chapter 111

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Jorge's pov

*I was half asleep in my bed when my phone started ringing. No, I'm too tired to talk to someone. I shut the phone down and closed my eyes again. But the doorbell started ringing. WHO THE HELL IS THAT? It's like... half past twelve! After two minutes, the ring hasn't stop ringing! With clumsy steps and my eyes half closed, I went to open the door. Stephie was standing there with a smile. Why did I even get up.*

S: Hi Jorgie!

*She said and walked in. She carried bags in and placed all them on the floor in the living room*

J: What do you want so late?

S: Well, I came here with some things for the wedding. I need you to go choose the rings.

J: I am not choosing any rings. Or anything else

S: Don't worry, I will go and choose the rings with you

J: I can't go

S: Why not?

J: I work on work days, you know that?

S: Then take a day off

J: Not happening.

S: We'll go on saturday then. What about invitations? Did you write a list of friends you want to invite?

J: I don't want any friends there.

*I don't want them to see this stupid circus I have to join.*

S: Okay, I'll have more space for my friends.

J: What else?

S: I have the date of our wedding

J: When?

S: Exactly in two weeks


*I shouted that word out.*

S: Yeah! Now excuse me, I'll be back in a minute.

*I watched her disappear behind the door to the bathroom and pulled out my phone, calling Ruggero*

J: Rugge! I need your help!

R: ... what. It's... late.

J: I know but Stephie wants to marry me in two weeks! I need to cancel that somehow!

R: I don't know. Try to... find a girlfriend.

J: Are you serious? When I tried to have something with Mechi, it didn't end up well. I have only Martina left!

R: Yeah. Good idea.

J: Are you listening to me?

R: I'm so tired bro. At least she can fake being your girlfriend

J: She has many problems herself, I can't make her lie!

R: Then-

J: Stephie's back

*I hang up and did as nothing happened when Stephie came back.*

S: Jorge, I was thinking. Could I stay here overnight? It's late

J: I think you better go home. It's not that far

S: Please?

J: ... okay! Go to the guest room

S: But, we are-

J: I don't play the "fiancé be close" game. Good night.

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