chapter 103

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Martina's pov

*I opened my eyes, feeling a pair of arms around my body and his chin resting on my head. I could also hear him exhaling slowly, he's probably sleeping. Now, that he's so close to me, I feel... strange. After everything he told me, my feelings to him have changed. Everytime we hold hands or hug, my heart is content and everything around fades. If he feels the same, that is the question. I tried to get out but he always pulled me even closer. Until he woke up*

M: You slept well?

J: Yeah, and you?

M: Yes

J: How do we always end up asleep?

M: You started singing and it made me fall asleep

J: Yeah, my mum used to sing it to me when I was a kid, it always calmed me down

M: What are our plans for today?

J: Well... to be honest I don't know. But we will go out tomorrow

M: Really? Promise me that

J: I promise

*Just after that, his phone started ringing*

J: Oh, sorry, Ill be right back

*Jorge walked off the room, leaving me alone*

Jorge's pov

J: Hello?

??: Hello Jorge

J: Dad, what's wrong?

Jd: Your mother, her health is getting worse and worse. She can't even walk since this morning

J: Why didn't you call me earlier?!

Jd: I called you like... ten times but you didn't pick up. What were you doing?

J: Oh, nothing. I will come tonight to see her, alright?

Jd: Yeah, Stephie and her family will come too

J: Is that really all you can think about now?! Have you called the doctor at least?

Jd: Yeah, I'm not stupid. They were in our house and made some tests.

J: And?

Jd: Not much time.

J: WHAT?! I'll be at your house in the evening

Jd: We'll be waiting.

*I hang up and returned to the room, sitting on the chair.*

M: What's wrong? You seem... pale

J: ... my mother doesn't have much time left

M: I'm so sorry to hear that

*Martina said and walked over, embracing me*

M: ... my mom... she... she didn't have much time either.

J: What happened to her?

M: She couldn't handle the burden she had to carry.

J: What burden?

M: She didn't want a family.

J: So, what did she do about that?

M: Let's say she had to pay for her wish to come true. But she didn't do that.

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