chapter 77

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Martina's pov

*I was eating my breakfast when I heard a knock on my door. Since when does Jorge knock? He think he is funny, right. I headed to the door with a smile, thinking about what a silly thing he prepared today. But when I opened, my smile changed in surprise. Pepe was standing towards me with a smile*

P: Hi

M: ... h-hi

P: I am going out, to the park now and wondered if you want to go too

M: Jorge isn't here

P: And? I am asking you out, not him

M: No, I will wait-

P: Come on, we are friends, or no?

*Friends... mabye... mabye I should make some friends.*

M: We will come later, okay?

P: Well, alrighty then. I am waiting for you in the park

*He said and looked at me with his blue eyes, which I know from somewhere. And walked away. Right after that, Jorge came*

J: Good morning, what are you doing here?

M: Here?

J: Yeah, you're standing at the door, looing out. You couldn't wait to see me, right?

M: Yeah, exactly

Jorge's pov

*I entered the room and looked at her curiously*

J: So? What would you like to do today?

M: I would like to go out if you don't mind

J: Okay, I am happy that you want to go out

M: Let's go

J: Oh, you mean right now

*Before I could finish my sentence, she took my arm and dragged me out. When we arrived at the park, I lead her to the fountain*

J: What do you-

*I looked at a person coming closer and immediately knew who it is. Pepe.*

P: Hi

J: Hello, what brings you here?

P: I am here as we planned

J: I didn't plan-

P: Me and Martina, I told her I'd be waiting for her

*That is why she wanted out. I looked at her surprised*

J: Sorry but I can't let her go on her own

P: Why? I don't bite

J: Excuse us for a while

*I came closer to Martina and asked her*

J: You want to go with him?

M: Uh... yes. I will be okay, don't worry

J: Alright. But I will be watching you

*She stood up and left to the grass with Pepe. I sat on the bench and watched them talk.*

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