chapter 4

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Jorge's pov

*Once again, I walked to Martina's door and looked through the window. She didn't notice me so I kept staring. A typical latina with brown hair and big chocolate eyes*

??: Excuse me sir

*I turned around and faced a nurse with blonde curly hair and a bright smile. She was holding a tray with lunch, trying to pass*

J: Oh, sorry

*I stepped aside and let her walk to the door*

J: You are going inside?

Me: Yes, I need to give Martina her lunch

J: And... she lets you in?

Me: Yes, I am her nurse since she came here. It took her seven months but she got used to me. I dare to say that we're friends

J: Uhm, I'm Jorge Blanco, her new doctor. Nice to meet you

Me: Mercedes Lambre. Good luck with her

*She said and entered the room. I kept on on watching. When Martina noticed Mercedes, she smiled and sat at the table, eating the soup. Mercedes left the room and looked at me*

Me: She seems like a normal person, right?

J: Yes, I don't know what is the problem

Me: I won't tell you more. Mabye next time. See you later Jorge

*She walked away, leaving me alone. I peeked through Martina for the last time, right when she looked at the door too. Damn. She got shocked and quickly turned her head to the lunch again. I think I frightened her. This isn't a good start, having a stalking doctor... after a while of walking through the halls of the hospital, I decided to call Ruggero*

R: Hi, you're already here?

J: No, still in the hospital. Would you like to go out? Get some beer

R: We can get beer at my house, see you in fifteen minutes

Martina's pov

*This was second time the strange man was looking at me. He is surely the new doctor they sent to help me. Even though I've had a dozen of doctors who tried to help, I get frightened by every single one who comes near. And this man won't be an exception*

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