chapter 98

688 56 9

Jorge's pov

*No. What did I do to deserve this?*

M: Jorge, I think someone shouted at you

J: No, no no, let's just keep going

??: Jorgie!

M: Yes. Definitely you.

*She said and turned around. So did I and faced Stephie. I could see the fake smile she had on.*

S: Hello Jorgie, I've been calling you since yesterday and you're not answering

J: Yeah, my phone is broken

*She couldn't get her eyes off Martina. Especially our hands together*

S: And this little sunshine?

J: This is-

M: Martina, nice to meet you

S: Stephie. Now, I called you because of what you said to your father

J: That is only between me and my father

S: I don't think so honey. I should know everything about my wedding

M: Wedding?

S: Yeah sunshine, me and Jorge are gonna get married

Martina's pov

*My heart trembled. Not in a nice way. A smile changed to a frown as I let Jorge's hand go.*

M: Well... congratulations...

J: Stephie, we're gonna talk about this another time. I am with Martina now

S: Can I join you?

J: No, mabye another time

S: Alright, see you Jorgie

*She came closer, ready to kiss him but he didn't let her. That's strange. When she left, he turned to me and smiled*

J: Sorry for that

M: No, I am happy I got to meet your wife

J: She's not my wife

M: Not yet

*I continued walking to the downtown and he followed*

J: Did she offend you somehow?

M: No, not at all

J: Why the frowny face then?

M: ... she has feelings for you. And as I noticed, you don't love her?


M: Why do you want to marry her?

J: That is something I don't want you to worry about

M: I want to know Jorge. You don't love her. Why? She is nice, pretty, I'm sure she's intelligent

J: Because she is not the one on my mind. The marriage wasn't my idea

M: Then cancel it

J: I can't.

M: Why not?

J: As I said, it's a very long story

M: We have a lot of time

*He seemed so sad about that. I don't know what happened but seeing someone sad because of getting married is not usual. I had no better idea to make him smile then holding his hand again. He started talking and we kept walking*

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