chapter 23

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Martina's pov

*He handed me the fork, looking at me hopefully. He was so close that I could feel his cologne. I raised my head on his level and looked at his face. I traveled with my eyes from his chin to lips, nose and then a pair of hazel eyes. My body stunned and I couldn't do a thing. There was something in his eyes. Something wierd. I haven't seen that in the past five years. I raised my hand which was shaking like never before and took the fork with a quick move. A wide smile appeared on his face as he raised his thumb up*

J: Good job! I am so happy

*Me too. I feel relieved that I'm moving on*

J: So, enjoy the rest of your meal, I will keep on talking.

*He started talking but again, I couldn't focus. This time, it was because of happiness. I really got that close to him. Just an inch was between our hands. Why haven't I done this before? I could've been healthy by now. Why... the only difference between Jorge and them is that something in the eyes. If only I knew what is that something. I surely have seen that somewhere but I can't remember where. I looked at Mariana who was sitting on the bed, watching Jorge quietly. I guess she is surprised too. I surely need to know what happened.*

Jorge's pov

*I was saying totally random things. Because of how surprised I am. She really took it back. I am so proud of her... when I looked at her, I noticed she is also shocked, locked in her thoughts. So I stopped talking. That's how we stayed for the next ten minutes. In silence, thinking.*


J: Good night, see you tomorrow Martina

*I said and left the room. Mercedes was standing there, impatient*

Me: So? How was your day with Martina?

J: It was great, she took a thing from my hand

Me: Really? That quickly? You're good

*She said, heading to the door*

J: Wait Mechi, would you like to go somewhere as my apology for hitting you this morning?

Me: I would love to! But... no, sorry. I have some things to do

J: That's okay, we can go another time. I will remember that

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