chapter 3

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Jorge's pov

*I woke up, did my morning routine, changed in nice clothes and left the apartment. I closed the door and stopped for a minute, thinking. Damn. I forgot to take my keys. Well, that has to wait now... the taxi driver drove me to the hospital and I walked in. After doffing my coat, I headed to the room 86. How will I get her attention? Mabye I should go on slowly. When I was standing at the door, I looked through the door window. She is playing with her doll again. Quietly, I knocked on the door and waited. She got shocked when she saw me, sat on the bed like a ghost for a while but then stood up... she is coming to the door... she is going to open? I was ready to walk in but she sat in front of the door. She sat there to keep me out. That's all I could do for today. I will try it again after a while... as I walked out, I pulled out my phone and called Ruggero*

R: Hey! What's up man?

J: Hi Rugge, where are you?

R: At home but I'm going to work in a while

J: Listen, I forgot to take my keys so would you mind having a guest for tonight?

R: I don't mind but Cande is the boss here

J: Go and ask her

R: No! What the hell, what if she says no? I don't want to listen to her yelling at me

J: I'm sure she will accept, I am your best friend, basically Cande's best friend

R: Okay, I'll call you in a while

J: Thanks

*I hang up and turned around, facing Samuel*

S: So, how is it going?

J: She didn't let me in

S: She does this every time. Sometimes we had to use force against Martina to get the doctor in her room

J: I don't need force.

S: You trust yourself

J: Yes, I will proove you that I can do it.

S: Okay, use your own ways.

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