chapter 71

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Jorge's pov

*I arrived home so pissed. Stephie made me angry. So much. I took a bottle of beer from the fridge, jumped on the couch and turned on the TV, to calm myself down a bit and relax in peace. Not for long, because my phone started ringing*

J: What

R: Hey Jorge, oh, you sound pissed, what happened?

J: No, forget it. I will tell you later

R: I just wanted to ask if you wanna go for a drink some time. It's been a long time since we've gone out

J: Yeah. Sure, when?

R: What about saturday? In the evening?

J: Good. Will Cande come too?

R: Nope, only me and you man

J: Great, see you

R: Bye!

*I hang up, threw the phone on the other side of the couch and took a sip of my drink. At least something good tonight.*


Martina's pov

Me: Eat your breakfast and medicine, I will come later, okay?

M: Thank you

*Mercedes left and I sat at the table. I took a bite of the bread and listened to the sounds around, mostly coming from the outside. I stood up, walked to the window and stared in the park, where the others were relaxing. The others like me. I could also see their doctors watching over them. I want there too*

J: What are you observing?

M: Hi. I am watching them. People in the park

J: I am sure you can go there too. Very soon

M: Jorge, do you think I can do it?

J: Do what

M: Go out

J: Yeah, you can

M: Then I want there

J: You mean... now? Like right now?

M: ... or... you think I can't?

J: No, of course not. You can go. But... do you feel strong enough to go? To meet people? Have strangers so close to you?

*He made me doubt. Jorge's questions made me unsure about my decision.*

M: Will you go with me?

J: Of course

M: Well... eh... yes. I think I want to go out. Today.

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