chapter 112

719 57 27

Jorge's pov

*I woke up to a nice smell coming out from the kitchen. She is already up, making food? I got up, changed clothes and did my morning routine. Then I walked to the kitchen where Stephie was preparing the table with breakfast*

S: Good morning hun.

J: Hey.

S: Have a seat and enjoy the food

J: No, thanks. I will eat it on my way to work. I'm late-

S: You're not late. It's half past seven. Sit down and eat with me please

J: ... okay

*I sat on the chair and she sat towards me. I looked at the plate with eggs, toasts and bacon. That's nice. Let's see if it tastes good too.*

J: Wow. This is good.

S: Yeah, and I know more. Just a few weeks and you'll wake up to this every day

J: Yeah

*I hope not. She was looking at me so happily. I would say she was in love with me. If she really loved me, she wouldn't act the way she does. After breakfast, we both left the apartment.*

S: Thanks for lettimg me sleep over. I love you

*She kissed my cheek quickly and left. She is making me confused. Since this morning. Mabye... mabye she is not as bad as I think.*


J: Good morning Martina

M: Hi

J: Do you want to go out today?

M: Yeah!

J: Get dressed, I will come in ten minutes


*We're walking through the town square, the cold november wind blowing in our hair. Suddenly we stopped because of someone screaming my name. Oh no. Not him.*

J: Ignore it and let's go

*I whispered to Martina but she didn't move. She stood there looking at me blankly.*

J: Come on Martu! We gotta go

*Nothing. She didn't even blink.*

??: Jorge!

*I turned around and faced Mr. Camarena.*

J: Hello

Sd: So, what do you think about the wedding date? Me and your father chose it. Though it took us one hour

J: Uhm... it's okay.

*Martina didn't turn around. She was standing with her back to Stephie's father.*

Sd: Who is this friend of yours?

J: This is... Violetta. Her name is Violetta.

Sd: Will she come to the wedding too?

J: No, no no. She isn't from here. She is from... Brazil

Sd: Doesn't she want to stay a bit longer? Her friend is getting married, she can come

J: No... she... she has to study

Sd: Well, okay then. Nice to meet you Violetta. See you soon Jorge

J: Bye!

*He left and I turned at Martina. She was shaking, her eyes were about to burst in tears.*

J: Martina? What happened?

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