chapter 75

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Martina's pov

*We've been drawing for a while now, without talking. I could only feel his eyes on me from time to time. Quite often. I don't mind it, but why does he do that.*

M: I've always liked drawing. And you?

*I asked, trying to break the deafening silence*

J: Uhm... yes, yes me too.

*He said quickly and looked at me again. What is he doing?*

M: My drawing is almost done. What about yours?

J: Mine is still in progress

M: What are you drawing?

J: You will see later

M: Show me, please

*I said and watched him smile at me.*

J: I am drawing you

M: So that's why you kept looking at-

*He turned the paper to me and really. He drew me. My jaw dropped by seeing my face illustrated so in details. Besides everything he does, he is also an amazing artist.*


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J: I'm not done yet

M: It's amazing. I am surprised. I don't really like seeing myself but this is an exception.

J: The drawing would be better if you'd smile. A smile makes you beautiful. Not that you aren't pretty without a smile but, you know what I mean

M: Yes, I get it. And I will remember it until the next time

J: Do you want to keep it?

M: No, you take it

J: Okay. I will draw you another one someday. And what did you draw?

M: I can't show it to you, it's awkward now because you draw so nicely and I-

J: Everything is art

M: I don't even know what I drew. I drew what came on my mind

*I said and gave him the paper embarrased. He looked at it and didn't answer. But I could see the confusion in his eyes.*

M: I know it's bad, you don't have to pretend

J: N-no, I like it. Would you mind if I keep it?

M: Why would you-

J: Please?

M: Well, okay. Keep it. But I don't know why

J: I really like this picture you drew. And, it's clearly what came on your mind, right?

M: Yes

J: Great, thank you

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