chapter 34

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Jorge's pov

J: It's late, I should go. Good night

*I said and headed to the door.*

J: ... and... Thank you for helping me

M: I did nothing, you don't have to thank

J: Yes you did, trust me. See you tomorrow

*I closed the door and headed to my changing room, right towards Mechi*

Me: Hi, you're done?

J: Yes

Me: And... would you like to go to the cinema today? There will be a premiere of a new

J: No, thanks, I will go home. See you tomorrow

Me: What about a dinner in a restaurant?

J: No, thanks.

Me: You look sad today. What happened?

J: No, nothing. I am just tired

Me: Really? You looked like that in the morning too

J: Really, I am fine. Now excuse me, I'm going home. See you then

*I walked to the changing room, put on my clothes and left the hospital. I took a taxi since it's cold and I'm too lazy to walk home. When the car set off, my phone rang*

J: Hi Ruggero

R: Hi! So, did you think about your birthday party yet?

J: Yeah. I wont have a party.

R: What?! And you are my best friend?!

J: Rugge, I can't have a birthay party. My mother is sick

R: Just how you thought?

J: Yeah.

R: I'm sorry...

J: Tell Cande that I won't celebrate this year. Sorry but not with you guys, neither with my family.

R: Okay

*I hang up and closed my eyes, leaning towards the seat*

T: Having a bad day?

*The taxi driver asked*

J: Yes. The worst day of this month.

T: If I were you, I would make the celebration.

J: Why?

T: Your mother is sick, but that doesn't mean that you can't have fun. What would you do if you didn't go on the party?

J: ... nothing...

T: You see. Then go and make at least one celebration. With your family.

J: Well-

T: We're here!

*I payed for the ride and looked at that man*

J: Thank you mister.

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