chapter 107

710 57 15

Martina's pov

*Jorge stood up, in tears, and walked out to the living room. I followed him with a frown. I didn't know what Jorge's mother was like, but she still made an impact on me. When I arrived, Mister Blanco ran across me and headed to the bedroom. Jorge was laying on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. I sat beside him and reached out for his hand.*

M: I know it hurts. But you have to think about your mom. She suffered. The death helped her, so she doesn't feel the pain anymore.

*He didn't say anything for a while. Then held my hand tighter.*

J: I will try to be as brave as you are.

M: What are you talking about? I ended up in the hospital, that isn't really courageous.

J: You have no idea. How strong you are. I'm... I'm gonna miss her.

*He sat up and leaned over, twisting his hands around my waist. I placed his head on my chest and let him calm down, rubbing his cheek. I hope he didn't hear my heart beat which was really fast.*

J: You should calm down too. I can hear the beat.

M: Uh... yes, right...

J: You are getting nervous. What's the matter?

*Oh no. I... I can't tell him why.*

M: Nothing. I'm... still in shock.

J: We're gonna be fine. I'm gonna keep all the promises I gave my mother.

*He said and leaned closer, kissing my cheek gently. I had a lot to do to stay focused.*

M: Look, your father is coming.

Jd: I already called the doctors, they will come.

*He whispered and looked at us. He looked at me, then at Jorge and then back at me. He was confused.*

Jd: We haven't met yet. Will you introduce us Jorge?

J: Right. Martina, this is my father Jorge. Dad, this is Martina. We're... close.

Jd: I see. Well... I... called Stephie, she will be here soon.

J: What?! Why?

Jd: I suppose she should know what happened. And I thought you'd like to see your fiancé after this... mournful situation.

*I totally forgot he has someone. It's hard to resist what I feel. This is not right. I let his hand go and sat away but he pulled me up on my legs.*

J: We gotta go

Jd: What?

J: We have to leave. Don't tell Stephie that Martina has been here. Please.

*He muttered quickly, grabbed our coats and dragged me outside to his car. Then he drove away fast.*

M: What's happening?

J: I told you that Stephie can't see us. We have to get away before she finds out.

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