chapter 113

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Jorge's pov

*Martina was stunned. I talked to her but with no response. That answered all my questions.*

J: Come with me

*I took her hand and dragged her to the car. We sat in and I looked at her. She was still so shocked.*

J: Martina, what did you remember?

M: I... uh... that man. Who is he?

J: What did you remember?

M: I heard his voice before. And I know where.

*Her voice cracked as she wiped her tears.*

M: ...he did it all...

*Those were the last words before she started crying. I pulled her into a hug and rubbed her back gently, trying to comfort her. I still can't get over the fact that I was so close to this monster the whole time. I had some clues, but didn't want to believe it.*

J: Don't cry. I will take care of it. He will pay for his sins.

M: What is your relation to him?.

J: That is not important now.

M: I remember everything he did to me. And my mother.

J: Will you tell me the whole story?

M: Not here. I don't feel safe enough to tell anyone.

J: Uh... what about my place. Hold on, we'll be there in ten minutes

*We split and I drove us to my apartment. When we got in, I let her sit on the couch, I sat next to her and held her hand.*

J: Do you feel better here?

M: Yes. It's very cozy here... so... you want to know the whole story. I'm not ready to tell it all. I don't have all the answers why. But I do remember when they came. I was at home with my mum, three men came to our house. My mum talked to them in the kitchen first while I was in the living room. Then I heard my mum cry. And scream. I was so stupid that I walked there. Two men were holding my mum and the third man headed to me. He took me in his arms as of I weighted nothing and carried me to a van. My mum was there too. I couldn't stop crying. But she held me tight and repeated that it's gonna be alright. That we are going on a trip. She was never a good liar. I felt the fright just from her voice.

*She felt every word she said. But continued bravely. To keep her calm, at least a bit, I stroke her hand, my other hand still holding it tight.*

M: When the van stopped, the men took me away first. I shouted and begged however I wanted but I was just a small kid. A fourteen years old against grown ups. They took me to a room with just a chair and some toys. They told me to play and locked me up. Playing was the last thing I cared about but... there was something that caught my attention.

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