chapter 118

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Jorge's pov

*I stood there looking around but I couldn't see anything. The shadow was gone, with Tini. Who could do- jesus no! I ran upstairs to my flat and searched for Stephie but she was gone too.*

J: Dammit! I lost two chicks in fifteen minutes! What am I gonna do?

Martina's pov

*I opened my eyes, feeling a terrible pain in my head. I was in a car, two mean were sitting on the front seats. I would cry, but the fear took control all over me. The strange thing was that I wasn't tied up.*

Man: You're awake?

M: Where are you taking me?

Man: You'll like it there. Really, I am not joking.

*He said and turned his head to the road again. I wondered where we could be going but had no idea. After fifteen minutes, we arrived at a big house. They opened the door for me and lead me in. I didn't even try to resist. That would make everything worse. I walked upstairs, to a room. It was really nice, like in a five star hotel. But why am I here?*

Man: Enjoy your stay here

M: Here?

*With those words, they closed the door and locked me up. Is this a kind of... I don't know. I have a bathroom, a table full of food and water. I don't understand.*


Jorge's pov

*I didn't sleep, didn't even close my eyes for a second. I was searching for Martina. I tried everything on the internet about her past, I called Stephie but she didn't answer. I drove to her house but noone opened. And I am going crazy. Until the doorbell rang. I went to open but noone was there. Just a suit and a letter.*

J: Take this on and come to our place. S.

*Our place... she means... the wedding place? Yeah! Where was that... she didn't want the church but a... garden! Yeah, the nicest garden here. I better get dressed up and go.*

Martina's pov

*I was having breakfast when a man came in.*

Man: Let's go. It's time.

M: Time for what?

Man: You will find out soon.

*I stood up and followed the man to the car silently. They pulled off and headed to somewhere where my future was hanging on*


*We arrived at a palace. The garden of the palace. I walked further, until I saw an aisle, pink flower decorations and white chairs on both, left and right side.*

Man: Sit here

*He pointed at a chair in the first row, and I did as he said. But then, they pulled out the ropes and tied my hands to the chair. I was calm, until now. Now I feel frightened.*

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