chapter 85

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Martina's pov

*I turned from the door back to Pepe who grinned at me*

M: So, what is this game?

P: Uh... it is... my favorite...

M: Why so nervous?

P: No, I-I'm okay

M: Well, let's start playing

*I said and opened the box. My eyes moved to Pepe who seemed very nervous.*

M: You can tell me what's wrong

P: You know, I am still "new" here. So my... urges to do... what I do... are strong.

*He said and stood up. With slow, kind of scary steps, he walked closer to me. I was getting quite uncomfortable*

M: What are you... what are you talking about

P: When I saw you, you looked familiar from somewhere

M: ...and?

*I said with my shaky voice*

P: I remembered, you are the first person I told about my problems. And my plan.

M: ... I didn't tell anyone, I promise

*I was getting scared as his grin got creepier and eyes were... blank. Emotionless.*

P: Can you see this?

*He pulled... a string out of his pocket. I stood up carefully and headed the exit inconspicuously.*

M: Yes

P: You know... there always has to be an innocent victim. You are the lucky one

*Pepe grumbled and jumped behind me, twisting the string around my neck. The thin string started getting in my skin, very slowly, but painfully. The nurses and doctors ran to us but they weren't fast enough. I gotta do it alone. I screamed very loud, that made him let go of a string for a while. I took the chance and ran away as fast as I could. Mercedes' cabinet... I have been there once. The second floor! I ran up and searched for the right room, ignoring all the people around looking at the blood streaming from my neck and two doctors running after me to stopme. I need to find Jorge. When I invaded in the cabinet, I saw Jorge looking at me shocked, then him running to me and feeling his arms holding me.*

J: Mechi, come and help me!

*Those were the last words before everything turned dark.*

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