chapter 83

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Martina's pov

J: See you tomorrow Martina

M: Bye

*Jorge left and I layed in bed. Jorge is way too protective over me. I understand that I'm his responsibility but I am also a person. The fight we had earlier was the first one, I think. I know that I talk too much when I am angry but what slipped out my mouth today was impetuous and might have sounded like I am jealous. Not because of their friendship but them. Hugging. I really didn't mean to sound like that though. This is a complicated situation*

Jorge's pov

*As I sat in my car and drove on the road heading home, my phone started ringing. I took out my phone and saw my dad's ID.*

J: Hello

Jd: Hello Jorge, nice to hear you again

J: Yeah, what can I do for you?

Jd: The Camarena family invited us on dinner tonight, so I'm calling you to come

*Ugh. This is the last thing I wanna do tonight.*

J: I'm sorry but I have something to do-

Jd: But they are counting on you

J: I-

Jd: You can do that something later, right? See you in an hour at their house

*He said and hang up.*

J: Damn it!

*I mumbled and threw the phone on the seat next to me. This night is gonna be great.*


*I rang on the doorbell and waited, until the door flew open*

S: Hi!

*Stephie cooed with a smile. I came in and looked around. Their house is huge. Stephie twisted her arm around mine and headed to the dining room*

S: I told you you have no other choice than me. But, I am not a bad choice, right?

*She said as we arrived at the room with a big table in the middle. Our parents were gathered around the table, drinking wine and laughing*

Sd: Hello, finally you came

Jm: Take a seat, my son

*I sat on an empty chair and Stephie sat next to me. Of course. A woman came, probably their maid, and served the soup.*

Sd: Enjoy your food

*Everyone except me started eating. I was too busy stabbing my father with my view.*

S: Won't you eat Jorgie?

J: Eh... yeah. Of course

*Jorgie. Officially the worst nickname ever given to me. My eyes moved from Stephie to my mum who was enjoying her time contently. I am happy when she is happy.*

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