chapter 6

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Martina's pov

*I was laying in the bed when someone came in. Quickly, I sat up and looked at the door, seeing Mercedes*

Me: Don't be scared, it's just me

*I nodded and stood up, walking to the table*

Me: Enjoy your meal

*Mercedes left me alone and I started eating. Mercedes... my nurse... it was hard to get used to her and I still don't touch nor talk to her but I feel quite reliefed when I see she is coming.*

Jorge's pov

Me: Now it's your turn

J: Okay, thank you

*I knocked on the door and waited. After a while, I heard footsteps from the other side coming closer and Martina sitting on the ground*

J: Hi... it's hard for you, I know. But I can assure you, I will help. It's hard for me too...

*I must look like an idiot, talking to myself. I listened for a while, to see if she will react somehow. She didn't answer but I could hear her sobs... great, now I made her cry. I stood up and left with my head hanged down. Not even a week of working and I already made her cry.*

Martina's pov

*He has no idea how much help I need and want but my body doesn't let me. I know it, I am crazy. But none of the doctors have healed me, what is so special about this one? Or there is something?*

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