chapter 57

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Jorge's pov

M: Mariana... she is... she has changed...

*I was so delighted yet afraid when she finally opened herself up to me*

J: In which way?

M: Everything... she switched the poles.

J: Martina, and can you tell me what exactly she said or did?

*I said and gently placed my hand on her. She didn't react to that and carried on thinking*

M: Uh, she was always my friend and encouraged me. Now, when I am getting better at fighting against my fear, she... she is... telling me to stop.

J: Stop healing yourself?

M:... Yes.

J: Do you remember when exactly did she start saying that?

M: Uhm... I think... it was on your birthday. You slept here

J: Yes, I do remember that

M: Jorge, tell me the truth please... you... your aim is to separate me and Mariana?

J: Well, no, that is not my aim. My aim is to help you. Why? Did she say that I want to pull you two apart?

M: I don't know... I am getting very confused because of her...

J: Listen, you should keep doing what you did until now. Keep on fighting. Mariana is mabye confused now to and doesn't know what to say or think. You should not do what she said.

M: Thank you for telling me your opinion

J: You have nothing to thank for

*She stood up and walked to the pillow, pulled Mariana out and started playing with her. Everything she told me, I couldn't get those words from my head. This is very serious...*

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