chapter 12

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Martina's pov

*I was talking to Mariana when I heard someone at the door. I looked there, hoping nobody will come. After the last accident with a human, my trust in people had gone lower. Unfortunately, the door handle turned and Mercedes came in*

Me: I have the pills

*She placed them on the table and turned around, heading to the door again*

Me: Please, take them. I will check it later

*She left and I walked to the table, raising up the pills. Every day. I have to take these disgusting pills every day not even knowing what for... I walked to the window with the pills in my hand. Two years. Two years and nobody had been able to help me. And I bet the pills aren't an exception. As tears started rolling down my cheeks, I threw the pills from the window. When I turned around, I looked at Mariana sitting on the bed, looking at me sadly*

M: No, don't look at me like that. I think the pills are useless. A dozen of people couldn't help me then why would this small thing help? Even myself can't help.

*I said and sat next to her.*

M: Living here is like in a cage. The problem is wanting to leave this cage but my fear is outside this cage... what are we gonna do...

Jorge's pov

*I arrived at Lodovica's house and knocked. In a blink of an eye, my black haired friend with brown eyes and pale skin like Snow white opened*

L: Hello Jorge! How are you?

J: I am fine, thank you

L: Come in

*I came in and sat on the couch while Lodovica sat toward me*

L: Do you want something to drink? Or eat?

J: No, thank you. Actually, I need help and you are a doctor too so I'd like to hear your opinion

L: Go on, I will help you

J: I got a job in The Losts hospital and have a patient.

L: What is her or his problem?

J: She is frightened of people

L: Martina.

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