chapter 32

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Jorge's pov

*I woke up at two in the morning, not even trying to fall asleep again. I've slept for two hours. Great. After five hours of watching the ceiling, I got up and made myself ready to work. I pulled off and arrived at the hospital. When I was taking off my jacket, I looked in the mirror, seeing a dead version of myself. Two dark bags under my eyes, a frown and pale face. Slowly, I headed to Martina's room and bumped in Mechi.*

Me: Good morning

*She was smiling, full of energy. Happy. How does she do that?*

J: Hi

Me: You didn't sleep much, right? Don't you wanna go home and rest?

J: No, I want to work.

Me: Well, okay, I guess. Martina already had her medicine

J: Great, see ya later

*I gave her a weak smile, then entered Martina's room.*

J: Good morning

*I said and sat on her bed. She was sitting with her back to me, eating the breakfast.*

M: Hi

J: Uhm... today...

*When I started talking, my eyes closed instantly and I had to focus on not falling asleep.*

M: Today?

J: Yeah... uhm... sorry. I have...

*I was fighting against my tiredness again. Martina turned around and looked at me worried*

M: It's only eight and you're already having a bad day?

J: Yes. I... I am not the happiest person at the moment.

M: What happened?

J: Yesterday, when I visited my parents. They told me sad news

*She kept on listening. I closed my eyes, leaned against the wall and looked up, at the ceiling.*

J: My mother has cancer.

*I could feel my eyes getting wet so I closed my eyes to get them out. Once again, I couldn't focus on anything else than my parent...until I felt something tickling the skin on my hand. The tickle moved up and down my hand... I placed my other hand on the place where the tickling was coming from and felt cold skin. Martina's hand. When I opened my eyes, I saw her stroking my hand gently, her eyes looked at me with sorrow.*

M: That... must be hard for you

*I couldn't focus on anything else than our hands. We are so close.*

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