chapter 74

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Jorge's pov

P: Martina is very friendly

J: Yeah

*I said quite confused. Did they talk? When I looked at Martina, she nodded as a sign that she wants to leave. I stood up and helped her too*

J: Well, nice chat but we gotta go now

P: Sure, see you later. Bye Martina

*He said and smiled at her. She nodded as we headed back to her room*

J: So, you and Pepe talked together?

M: Well, a few words. I didn't realize that I am talking to a stranger and shot the answer. He talked so much and asked me many questions

J: Did you enjoy the hour we spent there?

M: Yes, very much. I was afraid. But when I got out, everything was so calm. The fact that I was with you made me fe safe so I could enjoy the outside world. At least a piece of it. Thank you

J: Stop thanking me for everything I do, it's my job and I love it. I am happy that I do it for you

*Her cheeks turned red as we entered in her room. She stood at the window and looked out. Pepe noticed her immediately and waved at her. She waved back shyly and turned to me. I am so damn curious what did Pepe and Martina talk about*

J: You already have a friend out there, I see

M: He isn't bad

J: You are making bigger steps than I expected. Going out and talking with a man just in one day

M: Can we go out tomorrow too?

J: Well... yeah yeah. Sure.

M: Why did they want to talk to you out there?

J: Nothing important

*Really nothing important. Just Samuel and some other doctors asked me how did I manage to get Martina out. Idiots. They think Martina has no feelings and no will. Just because they weren't able to help her.*

J: Do you like drawing?

M: Yes, I do. Though I'm not so good

J: Great because I asked Mechi to bring some papers and pencils. Here

*I said and pointed at the table*

M: Wow, thank you

J: What I said. Stop thanking me. Besides, I am gonna draw too so let's start

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