chapter 7

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Martina's pov

*I woke up to the sound of the birds outside. The next thirty minutes have been spent laying on the bed doing nothing until the door handle clicked and got me up*

Me: Good morning

*She placed my breakfast on the table and walked away quietly. I followed her with my sight to the door where my eyes spotted the man again. Me and him made a short eye contact but I quickly moved away. He came closer to the door and knocked*

J: Good morning, have you slept well?

*He said through the keyhole*

J: According to what I said yesterday...

*That he knows how hard it is for me. That he wants to help me. And I need help*

J: I-

*I walked to the door and reached the handle. For a while, I stood there squeezing the handle, thinking about what I am about to do. He stopped talking when he noticed the door getting opened. I let him in and ran to my bed quickly*

J: T-thank you.

*He looked at me, that made me feel uncomfortable. The man noticed it so he started walking around, but far enough from me.*

J: Let me introduce myself. My name is Jorge Blanco and I'm new here so please, forgive me for every silly thing I will do

*He said as he sat ON the table. I've never seen any doctor being so comfortable around me*

J: I've read a lot about you. And I wanna say that I'm not like them. I will help you. But the help can't be just from one direction. You should help too. All you gotta do is to want. Tell yourself that you want to help yourself.

*After his prologue, the room fell in deafening silence*

J: That's the beginning. Now, I'll let you eat the breakfast alone. See you tomorrow.

*He left the room and I got stuck in my mind. I want. I want. I want to help myself.*

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