chapter 58

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Martina's pov

*I pulled Mariana out from under the pillow and sat on the bed with her*

J: Martina, can you excuse me for a moment please? I'll be back in five minutes

M: Yes, sure

*He left the room, just when Mariana slapped me. I could do nothing more than just rub the burning cheek*

Ma: Why did you do that?

*I knew this would happen. But I have no answer.*

Ma: You wanted to tell him something what I am not supposed to know. What was that

M: No, nothing, I just-

Ma: Yeah, tell me why. I am curious about what comes out.

*I was helpless. When I looked at her, she stabbed me with her view.*.

Ma: Tell me what you told him. Now.

M: N-nothing important

Ma: Then you can tell me

M: No, I-

Ma: You talked about me, right? Let me guess, because you think I have changed. But no, dear Tini, the one who has changed is you.

M: I am changing in a good way

Ma: And you think I started talking in a bad way? All I am trying to do is to save our friendship!

M: I don't get your method of saving friendship. Mariana, I am telling you that Jorge won't get a hand on you, he promised so

Ma: You believe him more than me? Okay, okay, you have a new friend, that means I can leave your life forever

M: Do you even care about what I say? Because it looks like you're overhearing my sentences

*I said and Jorge came in.*

J: Sorry it took so long

M: Huh? Eh, yes, that is okay.


Jorge's pov

*I arrived home, jumped in my bed and was about to relax when my phone rang. My father.*

J: Hello?

Jd: Hello Jorge. You doing well?

J: Yes

Jd: Uhm, listen, you are going to the Camarena's banquet

J: Yeah

Jd: That wasn't a question but anyway, I will be there too so I'm giving you an advice. Get to know Stephie more. She may be the mother of your future kids

J: I don't think- are you just bidding her to me? You want me to marry her?

Jd: She is pretty, smart and rich. What more?

J: Ugh. Nothing. You wouldn't get that anyway.

Jd: Your mom is running out of time.


*I said and slammed the phone against the floor. I can't freaking believe it.*

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