chapter 79

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Martina's pov

*I don't get the way he acts. He wanted me to have friends*

M: Why not?

J: Because... I think you should find girl friends

M: Jorge, you wanted me to have friends. And I feel like Pepe is my friend. I know him from somewhere and I want to recall the memories. I need to know where I know him from

J: I am protecting you

M: ... you are acting like Mariana.

J: I-I didn't know that. But... I am doing this for your safety

M: Pepe is not dangerous

J: He might be

M: Jorge, I have been trying to get some friends since forever. And you don't want me to?

J: I mean-

M: Nothing.

*I said and left to my room. He ran after me but I was fast enough to close the door. Why did he change his mind? I hope he won't turn in such a person as Mariana. Jorge is the only one I have. I can't lose him too.*

Jorge's pov

*She closed the door, not letting me in. Damn it! If I stay here, nothing will be solved. If I come in, my relationship with Martina will be wrecked. I sat on the chair towards her room and waited. Two, four, ten minutes passed by and she didn't open. I stood up, walked to the door and knocked*

J: Martina, can I come in?

M: ... no

J: Please, let me tell you my opinion

M: Go away please

J: ... alright... see you tomorrow.

*With those words, I left home.*


Martina's pov

*I wasn't able to sleep at night. All I could think about was Jorge. And Pepe. I don't know what made Jorge change his mind... mabye he knows more than I do. Why didn't he tell me then? My thoughts were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. I opened and looked in a pair of blue eyes*

P: Hi

M: ... hi

P: I am going out, do you want to go with me?

M: But Jorge is not-

P: I will wait down there, just as yeaterday

M: No... I will go

P: Now?

M: Yes. Right now.

*I said and stepped out of the room*

??: Martina?

*Mercedes said my name and walked over*

Me: Where are you going?

M: I am going out

Me: Did you eat your breakfast yet?

M: Yes

Me: And... where is Jorge?

M: He-he-

P: He knows that Martina is going out

Me: Really? Well... have fun then...

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