chapter 17

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Martina's pov

M: It's time to sleep Mariana.

Ma: Yes, good night

*Noone was around now, the whole hall was silent. I layed on the bed and pulled Mariana to me. Suddenly, the lights blinked. That made me sat up in shock. Slowly, me and Mariana climbed off the bed and walked around slowly, to calm me down.*

M: Mariana. Did you hear that?

Ma: No

M: That sound...

*I said, shivering. My legs stopped working so I had to sit on the ground. When I heard that sound again, I started sweating, my hands were shaking and I had a lot to control and not scream*

Ma: Martina, what is happening?

M: They... they are coming. They are coming for me...

*After finishing my sentence, I saw a familiar face in the door window. In fear, I screamed out loud and closed my eyes*

Jorge's pov

*I placed a bowl with snack on the table, a jar with lemonade and some cans with beer. Everything is ready. When I heard the doorbell, I ran to the door and opened*

J: Good evening guys!

*I said, letting Cande and Ruggero in. They sat on the couch and Cande poured some lemonade for herself, while Ruggero opened a can with the beer*

R: Is anyone else coming?

J: Yeah, my friend. I invited Lodovica and Diego but they've gone to Diego's relatives

C: Your friend? A girl friend? Or a girlfriend?

J: A friend

*They looked at me with their "We don't believe you" look and I sighed*

J: Just a friend.

R: Of course...

*In that moment, we heard the doorbell*

J: One minute

*I said, heading to the door*

J: Good evening

Me: Hi

*I let her in and helped her to pull off her coat. Then we walked to the living room where Ruggero and Cande were waiting impatiently. They stood up and shook hands with Mercedes*

C: Hi, my name is Candelaria and this is my boyfriend Ruggero

Me: Nice to meet you, I am Mercedes, you can call me Mechi

*She sat down and the room fell in silence.*

J: So, I-

*Suddenly, my phone rang.*

J: I'll be right back

*I walked to the kitchen and picked up the phone*

J: Hello? Yes, Jorge Blanco... what happened?

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