chapter 52

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Martina's pov

*Me and Jorge arrived at the door where Merceds was standing impatiently with her hand on the doorhandle*

Me: Finally, you won't beLieve me but I'm more nervous than you Martina. Well, I won't bother you anymore and let you in. I mean out.

*She opened the door and the cold fresh air blew on me immediately. My hands shivered from happines when I stepped on the soft grass in my thin slippers. With slow steps, I got to the first tree and slowly touched the wood. Then I moved on, to a small fountain, which I could've only seen from my window. I sat on the marble and touched the water with my reflection on the level. I am finally outside. I closed my eyes, inhaled and exhaled deeply, and enjoyed the moment.*

J: So? How do you feel?

M: I don't know... I thought about this moment several times but... now I'm here and it's now how I expected it.

J: In a good way?

M: This is a milion times better. I can't believe it!

*I couldn't help myself and layed on the grass. I can't stop smiling. Suddenly, I felt someone laying down next to me. I turned my head to see Jorge watching the clouds.*

J: Have you ever tried cloud watching?

M: What?

J: Choose a cloud and tell me what do you think it is. For example that one looks like a snowman

M: I see.

*He pointed up at the sky*

J: What do you think that cloud is?

M: Uh... that looks like a running man

J: Okay. And that one?

M: That is a house.

J: Really? I see a coat

*We remained in silence for a while, me enjoying a piece of freedom, him thinking.*

M: When it's time to go, tell me

J: We aren't in a hurry.


*I walked through the park, touched almost every tree and scented every flower. More than an hour passed by and I don't want it to end.*

J: Martina?

M: Hm?

*I said and turned around. Jorge was standing toward me with a small bouquet of flowers he collected. I could see every single one I touched and smelled. My cheeks burned red as I walked over and took the bouquet*

J: At least a piece of nature will be in your room

M: ... Thank you. For everything.

*Without thinking, I came closer and wrapped my arms around his back. I hugged Jorge*

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