chapter 60

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Jorge's pov

*I arrived at the fancy restaurant with the name Camarena upon the entrance and walked in. All the men around, including me, in suits, women in luxurious glitter dress. The golden chandelier with crystals, ancient paintings on the walls and the live orchestra playing in the corner of the room... just eww. This place is one of my nightmares. I twiddled through the crowd, bumped in some waiters and nearly spilled wine on a woman until I saw Stephie. She came, hugged me and gave me a little smile*

S: Thanks for coming, I am happy you're here with me

J: Yeah, me too.

S: Come, my father is waiting for you

*She said, took my hand and dragged me to the large table where her father was sitting with some other people*

S: Dad, he came

*He turned at Stephie, then at me. He started laughing while standing up and shaking hands with me. The others sat there confused, as much as I was*

Sd: Welcome Jorge! I am glad you came

*He turned back to the bunch of people who had their eyes on me for a while now.*

Sd: Jorge Blanco. The only son of our business partner. And an independent person with a big heart.

*I have no idea where did he take this from but it smells like too much compliments.*

Sd: Have a seat

*He said and sat back on his chair. I looked on the papers with names until I found mine, next to Stephie. I sat next to her and we stared talking.*


S: Let's go out Jorge

J: Yeah, okay!

*I nodded and stood up, feeling quite dizzy because I spent two hours sitting on one place, only talking and talking. Or it's because of the alcohol I drank. With Stephie's help, I got out and we saton the bench nearby. I looked up and observed the sky for a while*

S: Looks like my father likes you

J: Yes. I noticed that one too...

S: And do you like him?

J: Yeah. But I wouldn't want him as a relative. No offence.

S: That's okay, I just. And do you like me?

J: Well. Yeah. You are nice. And pretty

*She blushed and sata bit closer, taking my cold hand in hers*

S: And... would you risk taking me on a date?

J: A date? You mean romantic stuff? Why-

??: Jorge?

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