chapter 22

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Martina's pov

*I woke up in my room. Finally, I am back here.*

M: Good morning Mariana

*I said, hoping to hear my friend's response. Nothing... in that moment, Mercedes came in with my food*

Me: Good morning Martina

*She placed the tray on the table and returned to the door. But she didn't leave.*

Me: Take your medicin and I will leave

*I tiptoed to the table and took the pills in my hand. This keeps me away from talking to Mariana... when I was about to eat them, the door flew open and hit Mercedes in her back. She fell on the ground and groaned*

Me: Ouch!

J: Oh, sorry, I didn't know you're here

Me: I'm alright, don't worry

*He pulled Mercedes on her feet again, giving her a smile which she returned after a while. I sat there, as far as I could but close enough to study their faces. They were so close to each other. She was looking at him with a kind of spark in her eyes...*

J: You can go Mechi, I will take care of Martina

Me: Okay

*She walked away and Jorge closed the door. He turned in my direction and smiled*

J: Good morning Martina, oh, I see you're about to take medicin. Go on

*I swallowed the pills and made a disgusted face, which he evidently noticed*

J: I know it's not the tastiest thing but with my help, you won't have to take them anymore. So, let's start. You can eat your brakfast, I will talk.

*I started eating as he walked around the room, talking. I didn't foucus on his words, even though I should. My brain doesn't let me concentrate. That may be the problem. Thanks to my ineptitude, a fork fell on the ground, right in front of Jorge. He stopped walking, raised it up and looked at me.*

J: If you want that fork back, you have to take it from me. There is no other choice.

*He said and handed me the fork. If I want it, I have to take it from his hand...*

J: Can you do it? Come so close to me?

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