chapter 95

697 57 21

Jorge's pov

*As soon as she was gone, I pulled out my phone and called my father.*

Jd: Hello

*He sounded so happily. Yeah, because he doesn't know why I'm calling.*

J: You made a marriage contract for me?!

Jd: It was actually Mister Camarena's idea. Of course I agreed. You liked Stephie, didn't you?

J: That doesn't mean I want to marry her!

Jd: Your mother already told you she has less than one month of life?

J: Yes but you use it against me! You use my mother as a reason why I should do... everything! I ain't stupid! You've just sold me!

Jd: That is insane Jorge. I would get money if I'd sell you

J: That's not funny! I will come to the house at seven, you invite the Camarena family and the contract will be rip apart! In front of my eyes!

Jd: This is the adults' business. Don't get involved in it. And everything will be okay

*Then he hang up. The anger was boiling in me. I had to take deep breaths. That didn't stop me from throwing the phone against the wall furiously.*

Me: Hey hey! Stop!

*Mechi screamed and ran over*

Me: What happened?

J: That woman! Ugh!

Me: Calm down and tell me what happened

J: She gave me a contract about our marriage!

Me: What

J: Yeah! I didn't know about that either! We've been on one date! Marrying her is the last thing I want to do on Earth!

Me: Alright. Calm down. Breath.

J: Okay... I think it's better

Me: You can do something about it, I'm sure. But Martina is waiting

J: Yeah. She is actually someone I want to see the most right now. Thank you so much Mechi

*I hugged her quickly and left to Martina's room.*

M: So, can we start-

J: No, can we just sit here for a while?

M: ...okay? You seem angry. What happened?

J: I was the doctor at first, and now it's you who gives advices

*I said with a small smile*

J: It's... my father. He... did something bad. And made me angry.

M: Well, you two should talk about it

J: No. I already did that a few minutes ago

M: And?

J: I got angrier...

*Martina placed her hand on mine and I held it tight. Then the silence spread through the room.*

J: ... did you feel good in the park?

M: Oh, yes, I felt... free

J: Then get ready, we're going on a trip tomorrow. I will take you out

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