chapter 84

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Jorge's pov

*After dinner we moved to the living room and drank wine. I walked around and observed at the ancient furniture and the collection of gold things behind the glass. One thing got my attention. A ring, with a head of the tiger. I have seen that.*

J: Stephie? Can I talk to you for a minute?

S: Of course

*She said and walked over to me*

J: Whose ring is this?

S: That's my dad's. He used to wear it quite often

J: So, he isn't wearing it anymore?

S: No, he changes his accessories once a few years.

J: Interesting.



Martina's pov

*I was combing my hair when someone knocked. I bet it's Pepe. But I won't go anywhere today, not until Jorge comes. He knocked again and I could hear him talking now.*

P: Hi Martina, it's me, Pepe. Could you open please?

*With slow steps, I walked to the door and opened. There he stood, smiling as always*

M: You want to go to the park today?

P: No, actually I was thinking about going to the common room. We can play some games there

M: You can go, I will wait for Jorge. He would be very angry this time

P: I will go with you. Can I wait here?

M: I think it's better when-

*I stopped in the middle of my sentence, seeing Jorge coming to us*

J: Hello

*He said and smiled at me*

M: Hi

P: Hey

J: So, what are you doing here Pepe?

P: I came for Martina, I want to go to the common room downstairs

J: Great, can I just talk to her first?

P: Yeah

*He pulled me back to the room and started whispering so Pepe surely had no chance to hear us*

J: Do you want to go there? You have never been in the common room

M: Yes, please

J: I'll come with you

*We turned back to Pepe and he nodded*

P: Can we go?

J: Your doctor, I mean, Samuel is not with you?

P: No, but he knows that I will be in the common room

*He explained as we headed down. Jorge walked in the middle, I think he did it to... how does he call it... protect me. When we arrived, I sat at the table with Jorge beside me and Pepe sat towards, placing a box on the table*

P: This game is amazing

*In that moment Jorge's phone made a sound and he checked it*

J: Oh. Martina, can you excuse me for a minute please? Mercedes has very important-

M: Just go, I can be here

J: Thank you

*He answered and ran out of the room*

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