chapter 55

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Jorge's pov

*As I arrived at Martina's room, I placed my ear against the door, hearing a voice. Martina was talking. Well... almost yelling.*

M: Why did you change your opinion Mariana?! What I did today would be the best for you back then but now you're like... changing the poles?!

*She quitened for a while but then started again*

M: And don't talk about our separation, he said he won't do it!

*She is talking about me?*

M: No, you listen! He is a good person!

*The right timing. I walked in and looked at Martina standing furiously towards the doll*

J: A-are you okay?

M: ... Yes. Yes I am.

J: But I don't think so. Liars never escape me

M: I don't want to talk about it.

*She said and sat on the chair. I leaned against the table and whispered in her ear*

J: You can tell me whenever you want to. I am here for you

*She nodded and burried her head in her hands. What is happening in that little head will stay secret for me.*


J: It's time for me to go, see you tomorrow. And don't forget that I will listen to you anytime.

M: Thank you for today.

J: You're welcome

*I closed the door and walked through the hall where Mercedes was waiting*

J: Mechi, thank you for letting Martina out

Me: I loved seeing her happy. And thanks to you she talked to me... wow, how did you do that? You are a magician?

J: I actually don't know. She is a symphatic person once you get to know her... and... do you know what is with Samuel? He acts like Martina is an untamable animal

Me: Don't worry about that. Because he tried helping her too, unsuccessfuly.

J: Uhm, he thinks if he can't do it, nobody can

Me: Well, see you tomorrow

*She said and headed to the exit*

J: Mechi wait.

Me: Huh?

J: Friends again?

Me: ... yes, friends again. But I still don't like Stephie, okay? So don't you dare to introduce us

*She said and we both let out a chuckle*

J: Okay, see you tomorrow

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