chapter 26

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Martina's pov

*I watched him coming closer and closer but did nothing. It's time to face this. I looked up, into his hazel eyes and  saw that something again. Something that makes me more... confident. With slow moves, he raised his hand, reaching out for mine. With every inch, I got more and more unsure, until the fear took control over my mind and body. I moved away and he backed*

J: That's okay, I have to commend you for the courage.

*He is saying so nice words to me. After such a long time, someone was able to call my feelings out. At least a tiny piece of feelings. I have to pay it back somehow. After taking a deep breath, I looked at Mariana who was smiling, agreeing with what I am gonna do*

M: T-th-thank you.

Jorge's pov

*I turned my back to Martina, so she wasn't able to see how I cursed myself. Damn it! I am so stupid. Really, I am moving on too fast. Again. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft, we can say, angelic voice. Something I could listen to all day. I turned around and looked at her with a smile, happy that she talked to me*

J: You have a very nice voice Martina, I am happy that I could hear you. Don't you feel better now you've talked to a person?

M: Yes... yes, I do

*She said, still quite surprised that we are actually having a conversation.*

J: You haven't talked to anyone else except Mariana and me?

M: No, I haven't

J: Really? How do you feel?

M: Yes... and now I feel... good.

*The longer she talked, the more relaxed she got. Her voice stopped shaking after a while and I could see the happiness in her eyes*


J: Good night Martina, see you tomorrow. Sleep tight

M: Good night

*I said, closing the door behind me. I didn't get any informations about her but we talked, that is a good thing. I looked at my watch, seeing seven p.m.*

J: Well, I have to run, if I want to see Mechi

*With those words, I headed to the exit where Mechi is supposed to be*

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