chapter 67

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Jorge's pov

*We've been observing the sky for a while now, and I am having a good time. Except that Martina didn't say anything yet*

J: Martina

M: Yes?

J: Where did you meet Mariana?

M: You don't have to talk about her as a person now. I get that she is... or was not alive

J: Alright... so how did you get her?

M: I don't remember

J: Not even how long ago?

M: No. Do you think I will be getting better after tonight?

J: I know so. It's getting quite cold, we should go back

*We stood up and headed back to my room*

J: Do you want me to stay overnight?

M: No, I can survive some hours without you

*She said with a chuckle. Which faded away quickly when we heard footsteps*

J: Wait a second

*I said and looked at the direction where the sound was coming from. Samuel. Again.*

J: Okay, eh, go that way, I will take care of him

*She didn't make a move. Didn't turn around and run.*

J: Go!

M: I-I think. I think I can stay

J: You mean... stay here? And meet that guy?

M: What? Is he dangerous?

J: No, he is a doctor

M: Then... I think I can do it.

*Before I could answer, Samuel's voice spread over the hallway, screaming my name*

Sa: Jorge!

*He clearly didn't notice Martina yet and kept running to me*

Sa: Hey, uh...

*He lost words when he reached me, not because of the short run he did but Martina standing confidently next to me while I knew she was scared and nervous to death inside.*

Sa: ... Jorge, right. I just wanted to ask if you moved on with your patient. I see you did

J: Yes, we are... Martina is doing the best she can

Sa: And now? You're going back from the night walk?

J: Yes. Exactly

*I answered and watched him turning red in anger. He is jealous because I can do what he couldn't*

J: Well, now we gotta go so...

Sa: Yes. Nice to meet you again Martina

*He raised his hand up for a handshake with Martina, which she didn't accept. I saw his triumphal smirk as he placed his hand back in the pocket.*

Sa: By the way, I have my patient too. Mabye Martina can meet him someday

J: Right. See you later Samuel

*I retorted and lightly pushed Martina forward as a sign that it's time to go. You wish Samuel. I ain't leaving Martina alone with your guy.* 

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