chapter 69

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Jorge's pov

*Martina was right, my phone was ringing, with Stephie's ID*

J: Okay, I will be back in a while, keep eating. And leave some for me

M: Onwy if you hawy up

*She said with her mouth full. I took my phone and walked out*

J: Hello?

S: Hi Jorge!

J: Hi Stephie, what can I do for you?

S: I was wondering... if we can we talk

J: Sure but not now, I am working

S: No, I want to talk now

J: Sorry but I have to go. I will come to your house tonight, okay?

S: Okay then... see you

J: Bye

*I said and hang up. What does she want to talk about? I turned to the door and carrfully preked in. Martina was still sitting on the chair with a pack of candy. She looks so happy. Unbelievable how something small like that can make her smile. A beautiful smile.*

??: Hey

J: What? Eh, yeah, hi Mechi

Me: Why are you stalking on her like this?

J: I am not stalking

Me: Yeah, right

*She said and entered the room*

M: Hi

Me: Wow, control yourself Martina. Your tummy will hurt if you eat too much

M: I think it's too late. I already are the pack. But I feel fine

J: Yeah, she feels fine. I bought it so don't worry

Me: Couldn't you buy her anything else?

J: Come on, she can have some from time to time, right?

Me: Yes, of course she can. But don't buy too much

J: Yes sir!

Me: Madam

J: Madam!

Me: How can you be in one room with him Martina?

M: I don't know

*They laughed while I stood there, not knowing how to react*

Me: I gotta go now, see you later

J: Bye!

M: See you

*Mechi left and we were alone again.*

J: So... did you leave some gummies for me?

M: Sorry, you are late

*She giggled and gave me an empty pack*

J: You didn't? Well... that needs a punishment

M: What?

*I came closer and started tickling her. She tried to stay calm but didn't make it and bursted out laughing*

M: St-stop!

*She said between the chuckles. I did as she said and let her rest on the chair for a while, breathing heavily*

M: This is the longest time I have laughed since I am here

J: Do you want me to continue?

M: No no no, that is okay. Thanks

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