chapter 115

755 56 23

Jorge's pov

*It's been half an hour and we didn't move. I don't mind it at all. Holding her close like this, knowing that she feels better with me is making me happy. The question is what will I do now. I am stuck in the middle of the triangle. Martina, my father or Stephie. Of course I choose Martina. But I need to get rid of the other two without causing trouble.*

J: Martina?

M: Yes?

J: Would you like something to drink? Or eat?

M: ... a glass of water please

J: Alright

*I stood up, jogged to the kitchen and came back with water.*

M: Thank you

*She took the glass and drank it with her hands still shaking. I ain't leaving her alone.*

J: Listen, don't you want to stay here overnight?

M: No, I don't want to cause-

J: You don't cause trouble. I don't want to leave you alone like this in the hospital. I need you under the control.

M: Well... alright

J: Great

M: Will I sleep here? On the couch?

J: No! No way. You can sleep in the guest room

M: Okay. Thank you

*In that moment, my phone rang. Damn. Stephie. I have no time for her now. I declined the call and kept on talking with Martina*


J: Okay, you can go and take a shower, I will make us a dinner

M: Oh, can I help you?

J: Sure

M: I haven't cooked since I was a kid. I used to help my mum a lot

J: And, what is your favorite food?

M: I love pasta with any sauce

J: Alright, let's make pasta!

*We walked to the kithen and started cooking, but then the doorbell interrupted us.*

J: I'll be right back

*I ran to the door and opened. There stood Stephie. Dammit.*

S: Hi Jorgie! I came here to make dinner for us

J: Thank you but I have eaten

S: Oh, what is that amazing smell?

J: That's not from my house

S: Yes, it is. Come on, I wanna see what my future husband is doing

J: No, I-

*She just slipped in and walked to the kitchen before I could stop her. Martina was surprised, so was Stephie.*

M: Uhm... hi

S: ... hey.

*We stood in silence for a quite long time, until Stephie turned at me*

S: So, I am gonna stay over night

J: What?

S: Yeah, I will go to my room now

J: But that place is already taken

S: No. It's my room. Nobody except me will be there.

*She said and disappeared behind the door.*

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