chapter 2

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Jorge's pov

S: Okay, I see you're a self-confident person. Follow me please.

*He walked outside and I went after him. We passed a lot of doors where patients are*

S: Each patient has his room. Every doctor has two or more patients and works carefully, with slow steps. Some cases take months or years to treat.

*I looked in one of the door windows and saw a patient trying to touch a dog which was in doctor's hands. Let me guess. Frightened of dogs.*

S: Mister Blanco, here

*I walked after him to another office and sat down as he gave me a file. I opened it and stared at a photo of a brown haired girl with palec face, brown eyes and a weak smile*

J: Martina Stoessel

S: We brought her here two years ago.

J: Scared of people and physical touch...

*I said, reading the papers*

S: More than a dozen of doctors have tried to help her, unsuccessfully. I think she would be a good start for your self-confidence.

J: Okay, I will do my best.

S: I warn you. She is very sensible and reacts on every move you make. Be patient and good luck. You can start tomorrow.

*With those words, he left me alone, staring at the papers with informations about her. Martina Stoessel, age 19, room 86. Frightened of people and physical touch. Reason unknown. I placed the file in my bag and walked upstairs, finding the room 86. Carefully, I peeked through the window. She is there alone, sitting on a bed, playing with a doll. Except the doll she is playing with, Martina acts like a normal person. She is smiling.*


*I arrived at my apartment. It's big but empty. Only me and my things here. I layed on the couch and fell asleep thinking about my new job*

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