chapter 19

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Martina's pov

*I opened my eyes, noticing that this isn't the same ceiling as I have in my room. I can feel Mariana laying under my hand, that makes me a bit calmer*

M: Mariana? Where are we?

*I waited for her response but it didn't come. No... I can't talk to her again... I am quite scared of where I am and what else is in this room. The last thing I remember is... that they came for me... I feel that I am not alone. Slowly, I raised my head and looked around. My eyes got stuck on the other side of the room, a chair where a man was sleeping. I gasped loudly, trying to hold the scream in. Mabye I gasped too loudly because he woke up. Quietly, I watched him. He stretched his body and rubbed his eyes. Then he yawned like a small child and after that looked at me. He jumped up very quickly when he saw how scared I am*

J: Nonono! Shhhh... there is no need to shout.

*After that, a deafening silence dispersed over the room. The was finding words to talk*

J: Ehm... look, I won't hurt you. You made me so worried yesterday. Taking pills is a very serious thing so please, take them. I know you've thrown them out. You can't imagine what I've done after finding out that you were unconscious. I seriously broke the speed limit and left my guests in my house alone.

*He said clewlessly.*

J: Can I come closer please? Just a bit

*I nodded my head, totally unsure. He walked closer with small steps*

J: I will help you. Really, I will. But I need you to answer me one question. Do you want me to help you?

*Do I want him to help me? He came back. I thought he gave up like the others but no. He came back. And has he slept here? Because of me? When I was about to answer, the door flew open and Mercedes rushed in. She was so fast that it made me jump up in shock. Jorge clenched his teeth and closed his eyes as he turned around, facing Mercedes*

J: Mechi, what is it now

Me: She is awake? Finally. Good morning Martina, I brought you your breakfast

*She was about to come closer but Jorge stood in her way and took the tray with food*

J: Thank you, now bye

Me: Jorge...

J: We will talk later, bye

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