Chapter 4

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A/n didn't really want to post today because I've been depressed recently but it would depress me more if I didn't post a chapter. Hope you had a better day than me. Vote and comment would definitely make my day!
Callie POV
After I said I could use one of Daniels shirts be looks extremely confused
Daniel: "you think you can fit in a medium?" He asks and let's out a chuckle.
At this point I feel extremely insecure
Me: "hey um, I gotta go. My dad needs me" he looks at me and waves goodbye. Thank goodness I dropped my car off at his house before dinner. I practically run to my car and sit there and cry, when I get a call.
I wipe my tears and answer the call
Me: "hello?!..."
Dad: "hey sweetie. I want to make sure your okay?" I instantly get happy.
Me: "yeah I'm coming home now" I end the call and drive home wiping my eyes every so often.
--I'm sorry if this is triggering for you.

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