Chapter 74

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A/n hope you like it!!!!  Also starting August 21st,  I start college and won't be able to upload or post as much as I would like to.  But all I ask is to just give me time. I do have a plot planned for my next fanfic and I hope I can write it. If you wanna know more about me/ or what I'm going to be majoring just ask me in the comments,  I'm very happy to talk about my future career.

Callie POV
As soon as Shawn comes out and I see he has his sweatshirt in his hand I let out a big sigh
Shawn:  "why the long face darling?" Looking extremely concerned
Me:  "I forgot my sweatshirt" Shawn let's out a chuckle
Shawn:  "oh yeah " forgot" right" putting air quotes on the word forget.  I laugh and put my hands up in defense
Me:  "I'm serious." Shawn chuckles and hands me his sweater
Shawn:  "well you were going to wear my clothes one day. Guess today is the day" I laugh and he quickly goes back inside and gets another sweater. 
Shawn comes into my car and kisses me quickly. 
Shawn:  "wanna tell me where were going?" I shake my head no and he laughs
Shawn:  "your not going to kill me are you?" I give him the 'are you kidding me look and he laughs
I soon get to the place and a guy at a booth looks at me
Guy:  "5 dollars each" I give him a 10 and he gives me a parking pass and I drive off. 
Shawn:  "okay where did you take me?"
Me:  "Harry Potter drive in" Shawn has this big smile on his face. 
Shawn:  "HOLY SHIT!  BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!" all I hear is girlfriend and my eyes go wide. 
Me:  "what did you call me?" Shawn looks at me with a cute look
Shawn:  "girlfriend,  because you are that to me" I smile widely
Shawn:  "is that okay?" Looking kinda nervous
Me:  "perfect!  So do I call you boyfriend now?" Shawn laughs and kisses me sweetly
Shawn:  "girlfriend" he repeats
Me:  "boyfriend" Shawn and I laugh at our actions and we leave the car and get some food before the movie starts.
We stand in the line for the food with Shawn's arms draped around my shoulders and his lips connected to my temples. 
I look up at him and he kisses my nose  and I scruntch up at his actions and he mimics me.
--so this is the place. You will learn a little bit why Callie calls this the place,  I think. 

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