Chapter 99

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A/n its new!!!!!  Lowkey kinda depressing. Oh well.

Shawn POV
Callie: "I think you should go" she says weakly. My eyes droop and my face falls.
Instead of her yelling at me for pushing her to talk to me, I leave.
I don't want to leave. I want to stay and hold her. But I dont.
I get up quietly and kiss her head telling her that I love her without saying it.
I leave and get in my car and just sit there. I feel my eyes start to water and I wipe them away quickly.
I get home and go straight to the couch and let out a loud sign. I put my face in my hands and feel the couch shift in weight.
I look up and see my mum. I give her a half hearted grin, which she can clearly see is something is wrong.
Mum: "what's wrong?" She says and moves closer to me, she rubs my back.
I shake my head in disbelief.
Mum: "come on what's wrong?" I look at her through my hands and let out a loud sign.
Me: "Callie and I... She" my mums eyes went wide
Mum: "oh Shawn I'm so sorry. Callie seemed-" I look at her confused
Me: "what? No no. We didn't break up." My mum let out a sigh of relief and looks at me confused.
Mum: "wait then what?" I turn to her so I'm looking at her.
Me: "her mum left when she little. She got a call that her mum wants to see her." My mum looks shocked yet confused waiting for me to finish the problem.
Me: "anyway she was frozen didn't say anything. I asked if she was going to see her mum but she didn't day anything. She's shutting me out mum. I don't know what to do."
Mum: "give me time, space. She needs to process that. I mean don't crowd her. When she's ready you'll know." I nod my head.
Mum: "you love her don't you?" I look up from biting my nails and nod at her. She smiles.
Mum: "then give her some time. If you love her give her time."
Me: "how much time?" She shrugs
Mum: "as much as she needs"
----people said they wanted some Shawn POV so here ya go. I don't really like it. But enjoy. ❤

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