Chapter 57

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A/n hope you like it!!!!!! Honestly I have an idea for the pre date and I'm hoping it turns out well....

Callie POV
After I close the door Terrie looks at me and pulls me aside so my dad doesn't see what we are doing.
Terrie: "who was that?" I smile
Me: "Shawn."
Terrie: "very funny Callie. Who is the guy?"
Me: "I'm serious. That's Shawn Mendes."
Terrie: "well then. That's unexpected. Are you dating?" I shake my head no
Me: "we're really good friends but today he asked me out on a date." I say in a whisper. I smile with a little bit and blush
Terrie: "oh my honey your blushing." She whispers so my dad doesn't hear.
Me: "is it weird that I'm excited?"
Terrie: "well do you like him more than a friend?"
Me: "well I used to and then we became friends. Does that even make sense?" She chuckles and nods
As I head back to the table my dad is stuffing if face with steak and looks at me
Dad: "who was that?" I take a sip of water
Me: "just a friend"
Dad: "oh god who is he?" I look confused
Dad: "don't look confused I know that look. That's the look Terrie gives me all of the time"
Me: "he's a friend"
Dad: "okay what friend gives you that look? Come on Callie you can tell me."
Me: "is this dad talking or Sargent Reese talking?"
Dad: "Sargent Reese is sleeping" we both laugh
Me: "he's a friend that asked me out."
My dad looks shocked
Terrie: "that's not the kicker. Tell your dad who it is" I slump down in my seat and mumble
Me: "Shawn Mendes"
Dad: "oh so this date is in your dreams?"
Me: "ha ha no! I'm serious!" My dad looks at Terrie for reassurance and she nods
Terrie: "in my defense I've never seen the kid besides 10 minutes ago so she could be playing us all" my dad laughs and takes out his phone and shows Terrie and I the Google search of Shawn and Terrie nods
Terrie: "that's him!" My dad looks shocked and smiles at me
Dad: "I love you and want you to be happy. But as SOON as he swerves you oh boy-"
Terrie: "please we know"
We laugh and continue to eat dinner.
After dinner I go up to my room and flop on my bed and mumble
Me: "holy crap my best friend asked me out"
--AHAHAHA OMG Terrie and dad aren't flipping there shit.

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