Chapter 21

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A/n sorry if this is shorter! And yes Shawn is going to come up in the story I just want you guys to have a background of Callie and her surroundings

Callie POV
After my dad agreed to help me get back to my body we started right away
Dad: "Alright 50 suicides, 20 burpees and 30 sit-ups. And we do it twice" my jaw practically falls on the floor
Me: "wait we?" He nods
Dad: "we. I'm told you. I'm helping you" I smile and we start to train
After 3 suicides I start to not be able to breathe
Dad: "come on! You have to push through! Come on Callie you got this!!" He shouts over the loud music
Me: "I-I can't breathe" panting, having my hands on my knees and leaning over.
Dad: "hey you got this" handing me a bottle of water. I drink the whole bottle and take a deep breathe and start my suicides again.
Finally after we are done doing everything twice I fall on the floor panting.
Dad: "come on kid! We have more to do!" He picks me up and we continue to train.
Dad: "alright let's see if you remember how to box" he hands me a pair of gloves and I start to throw punches at my dummy.
After what feels like hours which was only 1 we at finally done
Dad: "okay we are done! Now how does burgers sound?" He looks at me and I nod excitedly
Dad: "there's my girl now"
We get to the car and drive off.

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