Chapter 88

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A/n hope you like it!!!! 

Callie POV
Shawn and I are on the boat with him and his friends.
I'm sitting on one of the seats and Shawn sits in the middle of my legs and I wrap my arms around his waist.
Brian: "awe supa cute" he gushes and him and Matt are just talking.
Me: "I feel like a backpack on a hiker" shawn looks back and laughs hysterically.
Shawn: "best analogy ever" Matt and Brian start to laugh and we head further away from the shore.
As I feel the boat stop I see Shawn by the edge just looking.
I walk over and look at him.
Shawn: "I love your eyes." I smile and I'm about to kiss him, but get pushed it.
I swim back up and gasp for air. I open my eyes, but the left one hurts, so I close that eye shut.
I see him with Brian and Matt also in the water. They probably came I'm after one of them pushed us in. 
I squint on of the eyes and swim back to the opening of the boat.
As I swim back I hear Shawn calling my name with fear.
Shawn: "Callie what's wrong?" I climb the little latter and sit down.
I soon see Shawn right behind me and kneels down and looms at me.
Shawn: "what's wrong love?" I clenchy eye and place my hand on my eye.
Shawn: "hey lemme see" he pulls my hand away but I put my other hand back over it.
Shawn: "hey! Stop let me see. I'm not going to hurt you" he slowly peels my hand away from my eye and looks at me.
Me: "it hurts. A lot" Shawn rubs my knee reassuring me that everything is okay and leaves, but quicky comes back with eye drops.
He puts his hand on my forehead and leanse back.
Brian: "Yo Shawn!  What's wrong?" He looks back at them.
Shawn: "hold on!" He turns his attention back to me.
Shawn: "I'm not going to hurt you let me see" I lean back and slowly open my eye. 
Shawn: "I have eye drops. Can I put them in your eye?" I nod slowly and lean my head back again.
He puts the eye drops in my eye and I close it again and wait a minute or so.
I slowly open my bad eye and he kisses me.
Shawn: "better?" I nod my head and kiss him sweetly.
-eh this is okay.

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