Chapter 85

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A/n how do you feel about smut chapters???  I want your honest opinion. Before any chapter with a smut I will give a little heads up. But keep in mind I'm an 18 year old girl. Shawn is almost 19. And Callie is 18 in the story. If I do write smut please don't comment "this isn't realistic" because in reality it is. Sex is real. Wake up kids.

Callie POV
As soon as I hang up the phone I see Shawn's black jeep and a smile creeps on my face.
Shawn: "where's your parents?" Sounding happy yet confused. I giggle at how happy he sounds and walk up to him.
Me: "out for the weekend" Shawn smiles at me and I go on my tippy toes and kiss him.
Shawn: "come on!  Lake day!" He says while shaking me.
I laugh and start to walk slow, since shawn is so excited.
Shawn: "come on babe" he whines and picks me up, my stomach on his shoulder and he holding me tightly.
He opens the door and walks straight to my room, opening my door.
He places me down gently and falls on my bed.
I let out a chuckle and walk towards him.
I hold his face and kisses his forehead.
Shawn: "babeee come on!" I look down at him and kiss him sweetly.
Me: "okay okay! I'll get ready!" Shawns smile becomes huge and I walk over to my dresser and pick out a black top and black bottoms.
I look at him and open my door for him to leave.
Shawn: "come on I'm comfy" he whines. I put my hands on my hips to show I'm serious.
Shawn: "I promise I won't look." Standing up and looking honest. He puts one hand on his heart and the other in the air.
Shawn: "I promise." I smile and get on my tippy toes.
Me: "don't you dare look!" Pointing at him. He smiles and kisses my finger.
He sits back down on the bed
Me: "over your eyes... and turn around." Shawn laughs and does what I tell him.
I quickly put on the black bottoms and start to put on the black top.
I realized the last time this was wore was by Lisa,  and she untied the strings so I needed help.
I walk over to Shawn holding the neck ties.
I told the 2 strings with one hand and tap shawns shoulder
He turns around and he looks at me sweetly.
Me: "I need your help" he scans my body.
Shawn: "you look hot" he says and my mouth fly's open.
Me: "is that really what you see in me?? My body?" Shawn's face starts to fall.
--- oops leaving y'all on a cliff hanger!

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