Chapter 51

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A/n hope you like it!!! Vote and comment

Callie POV
After what had happened with Daniel I'm searching for Lisa hoping not to bump into Daniel again.
I'm trying not to cry and keep my composure.
I'm walking through the house not having any destination, I keep looking back to make sure Daniel isn't following me when I knock into someone.
I look at the person who I knocked into and I'm relieved at who I see.
I completely loose my composure
Me: "I've been looking for you forever!" She looks at me very worried
Lisa: "what's wrong?" I shake my head and Lisa's face expression changes and I know who she saw.
Lisa: "did he hurt you?" Asking demanding yet worried
I don't answer I just hold my wrist and she moves my other hand and looks at it.
Lisa: "my god I'm going to kill him" she is about to go and lunge at him but I pull her back
Me: "he's not worth it. Just lets go!" She nods her head and we leave without telling anyone.
Lisa and I walk to her house, she drank a whole lot more alcohol than me and you would never know.
Quickly we get to her house and thank goodness her parents aren't home because we would have been dead for waking up her baby sister.
We walk up to her room and I plop on her bed and quickly get undressed and chug the water with 2 Advil to make sure I don't wake up with a headache.
I decide now is the time to text my dad.
I reach for my phone and see my dad already texted me
Dad: "hey you okay? You never really text me unless something is wrong."
Me: "yeah I'm okay." I quickly press send and then see I have yet another text message, from Shawn
Shawn: "and here I thought you were innocent" and with that was an attachment on a screenshot of me taking a Jell-O shot.
I laugh at the text and decide to text him quickly even though he won't see it until he wakes up because it's 3am.
Me: "well your wrong! 😂 says the kid that also drinks and isn't legal" I press send and lay in bed not even bothering taking off my makeup.
I fall asleep rather quickly, hopefully trying to forget what happened.
-aha okay so some people wanted me to have Shawn save Callie from the party but I have better plans don't worry.

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