Epilogue part 2

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A/n here is officially the last chapter. Hope you like it!! Also have some SUPER EXCITING news coming your way. I would be excited if I were you...

Shawn POV
Callie, I love her. A lot. I would fight for her til the day I die. I fight to keep us together even if we aren't together physically.
Lots of people say that fighting for love is wrong, as for what if one person doesnt fight as much as the other. Well simple answer, they are falling out of love. Both people in the relationship fight for each other one hundred percent. You would think it's half and half but it's not. You can't half love someone; at least I can't. Fighting for someone isn't always easy. You have doubts, they will find someone better, nicer, funnier, more handsome. You worry about these things. And I you have a girl like I have you will look you straight in the eye and say "why do I need someone more handsome when I have the hottest dork around?" That's what the love of your life is supposed to do. Bring you back up from your sad thoughts. They may not know what you're going through but they won't leave your side.
Every time I wake up I wake up with a smile because I know that someone besides my mum loves me unconditionally. She loves me for my dorkieness, for my love of muffins, and hatred of tomatoes, she loves everything about me. Even my stubbornness. Find someone who even your biggest flaw they think of it as the complete opposite. Love isn't supposed to be hard. When you fall in love you will know. Maybe not that second but you will definitely know. Maybe it's the way she looks at you, or the way she comes to you when she needs you, or maybe she's loves that you're the one person that doesn't judge her. But trust me you'll know when you fall in love. It will hit you like a freight train coming at you at a million miles an hour. So I found my love. Now go find yours.
--thoughts on this!

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