Chapter 35

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Callie POV
Ever since Shawn and I's breakfast meet up we haven't stopped taking.
Here I was cleaning my room when I get a text
Shawn: "hey where do you live? Ya know for future reference?" I laugh
Me: "34 willow peak. If you plan on coming, don't I have to clean my room!"
Shawn: "okay okay I won't!"
*A week later*
I'm sitting in my room playing music on a Saturday morning after training when I see I'm getting a call
Me: "hello?"
Shawn: "hey so uh I was going to surprise you at your house with coffee and a muffin but I'm lost"
I laugh into the phone
Me: "oh mr. I know my way around Pickering and Ajax!"
Shawn: "hey! I'm more know to Pickering! Ajax is like foreign"
Me: "okay okay where are you?" I laugh
Shawn: "I'm on Wallace road I think." I hear a chuckle from him
Me: "dude leave the block."
Shawn: "why? And don't dude me!"
Me: "just do it!!!"
Shawn: "okay." I hear some moving "now what?"
Me: "make a left, then the next block is my street"
Shawn: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I was so close!"
I laugh
Me: "not close enough!"
Shawn: "meet me outside please!!!!" He says like a little kid
I laugh and leave the house in a tank top and Nike shorts throwing on my slip on vans
I walk outside and walk up to Shawn's jeep with his phone in his hand
Shawn: "want some coffee eh?"
Me: "sah dude!" We both laugh
Shawn: "that's going on snapchat!" I laugh and watch him make a caption:
I take the coffee and drink it
Me: "so what are you doing today?"
He looks at me with a evil smile
Shawn: "taking my best fran hostage!"
Me: "am I the hostage?" I ask while laughing
Shawn: "and best friend!" He shouts while laughing. Shawn turn the music up when I realize something
Shawn: "HEY! That's my shit!"
Me: "you like chance?!"
Shawn: "it's my shit!"
Me: "well it's my shit too!" He gives me a dorky grin and puts his hand up for a high five. As he was about to drive away I stopped him.
--OML am I making these too long?

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