Chapter 97

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A/n PLEASE READ!!! hope you like it. I was going to make this POV of Shawn having sex with Callie. But I started and it got WAY too graphic for Instagram. In the future I will have a fanfic here and more than likely won't hold  back. Thoughts on that?

Shawn POV
I wake up Callie still in my arms. I kiss her nose and she giggles.
I hug her tightly.
She soon pulls away sitting up and brinig up the sheet to her chest.
She sits up looking like a model.
I take my phone from the floor and get my camera ready.
Me: "hey" I whiper she looks over her shoulder and I snap the picture she smiles shyly at me and stands up.
She quickly looks back at me and she smiles.
Me: "you sore?" I ask concerningly she laughs and nods her head.
She grabs my shirt and pulls it over her body.
It hits just about an inch past her bum.
She walks out of her room then quixky comes back and kisses me. I smile into the kiss and she leaves again.
I lay in her bed just looking at the celining.
Me: "I made love to Callie" I whisper and smile.
I quickly get out of her bed and find my boxer briefs.
I pull them on and feel a pair of arms around my waist and little kisses on my back.
My lips form a smile and bring her to my chest.
I kiss her
Callie: "need your shirt?" She looks sad that I would need it. And honestly she looks better in mu shirt.
Me: "let's make a deal. I wear this to go get my other shirt from the car?" She nods and we both laugh.
We kiss each other again when she pulls away and hears her phone ring.
Callie: "hello?-" she looke extremely confused and I grab her free hand.
"-yes this is she. Who are you?" After that her eyes go wide.
I hear a faint sound of another Lady on the other line but can't make anything out.
She soon hangs up and I sit on her bed.
Me: "you okay? Who was that?"
She looks shocked. she's frozen.
Callie: "my-my mother" I look confused at her.
Me: "baby do you mean Terrie?" She shakes her head no.
Callie: "my birth mother." My eyes go wide and stand up and I'm about to hug her.
Callie: "it wasn't her on the phone. It was some Lady" she looks like she's going to hysterically cry.
I hold her and she has her hands to her side. she doesn't move.
She's like lifeless.
--okay this is crappy but intense. Feedback is great!!!!

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