Chapter 13

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Callie POv
I wake up seeing tons of text messages from someone I don't want to talk to...Daniel. I ignore them and go downstairs, to a very clean empty house. I go to the kitchen and see a note
Honey we are going to the air base. We will be gone all day! Have fun bye yourself!"
Love, dad and terrie
I smile at the note and go straight to the fridge to find breakfast when I hear the doorbell ring. And I see the unexpected.
Me: "what do you want?" I stand opening the door a little bit more
Daniel: "hi. Listen last night-"
Me: "yeah what about it" holding my ground
Daniel: "I didn't want this to end bad. Ya know I realized-" in this moment I knew what was happening, he was about to dump me. I hold back the tears.
Daniel: "that Maria and I-"
Me: "I get it. You want to date a whore. That's fine. I get it."
Daniel: "we can still go to prom together" I laugh at him
Me: "why would I go to prom with someone who can't even keep it in there pants. No thanks have a nice life."
Daniel: "ya know I was trying to be nice, but no. I'm dumping you because you well your not my type a, and well your uhh how would I put this nicely? Too large for me" I close the door on him and just scream and call terrie because she the closest thing to my mom.
--hope you like it !! Also it will be a couple more chapters until Callie meets Shawn. I'm sorry if it's getting boring. Hope you don't mind! 

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