Chapter 59

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A/n will be posting 2 chapters today because I couldn't post one yesterday....hope you like it!!!!!

Shawn POV
I see her walk down the stairs and utter amazement
Me: "hi." I say shyly. She gives me a shy smile.
Her dad: "you too have fun, just not too much fun." Giving me the 'touch my daughter I'll kill you' look.
Me: "yes sir." We leave I start driving to our first stop while talking about the things we always talk about.
Callie: "where are we going?!" I pull up to our first stop while she takes off her jacket.
Me: "you can wait here if you want"
Callie: "we're not staying here?" I shake my head no
We quickly enter the Chinese restaurant and wait for our food to be ready
After paying put the food in the back and start to drive to our final stop
After about a 30 minute drive we are finally here; an empty field.
She looks at me confused and I point up to the sky through my windshield
She looks up and her jaw falls open
Callie: "oh my-!" She looks at the sky in amazement.
I quickly get out with her and hop on the roof of my car
Callie: "what are you doing?" She says laughing.
I laugh too and extend my hand out so I can help her.
Me: "how did you think we were going to watch the stars?" She smiles at me and grabs my hand.
I pull her up with no problem and she stands on my car and looks down at me while I'm back on the ground getting the food.
I decide to take a picture.
Shes looks behind her; all you can see is her shadow and the stars.
I quickly go back on the roof and start to eat with her.
Me: "WAIT YOU DID WHAT?" I say while eating my fortune cookie
Callie: "it's true!" She says while laughing.
God her laugh is like music to my ears.
After we eat I throw the garbage in the bag it came in, tie it and threw it in the backseat while still on the roof.
She lays down on the roof
Me: "I have a blanket so don't get dirty." She laughs
Callie: "Shawn, I'm not like regular girls" I laugh
She extends her hand and I don't hesitate and lay down with her and watch the stars.
---lowkey goals

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